Mondays: 5 Weeks, $20 per family 9:00-9:45 Class is now FULL 10:00-10:45 Class is now FULL 11:00-11:45 Class is now FULL
June 19
June 26
July 3
No Class July 10 due to NatureSong Camp
July 17
July 24
The emphasis of this session will be Nursery Rhymes, poetry and movement suitable for young children. We'll learn some historic folksongs and dancing games together as well! A Parent or caregiver is required to stay and participate in all classes.
Session 2: Music and Nature of Summer
Thursdays: 4 Weeks, $15 per family 9:00-9:45 Class is FULL 10:00-10:45 am Class is FULL 11:00 Class is FULL.
July 27
August 3
August 10
August 17
The emphasis of this session will be on the Season of Summer and Nature. Animals, sounds, trees, bugs, music and stories about the Cycle of Seasons will delight your growing Child! A parent or caregiver is required to stay and participate in all classes.